Mom’s Story
I’m not saying it was aliens but yeah it was totally aliens.
This is my mom’s story:
We lived in Mesa, Arizona in the early 90's. After my mom graduated from Scottsdale Community College she continued on as a tutor in the disability office and as a Spanish tutor in another department. For years she got out of bed before the sun came up, packed her lunch, and drove her VW bug across Pima Indian reservation to the sleepy parking lot of the college, where cottontail rabbits scattered into the bushes and owls hooted from the tops of streetlights, and it was often dark by the time she started for home again.
On this particular night she was, as usual, alone in the darkness after a long day of work, travelling south across the reservation towards home, when a small light twinkled into view in her rear view mirror. Another car, she assumed. It began to grow larger and she was surprised at how fast it was gaining on her. Suddenly the rate at which the light was growing behind her became alarmingly fast and she did not have time to even react before it sped directly towards the back of her car and then abruptly vanished.
It was gone and there was nothing but darkness for miles. Her heart was pounding out of her chest but she continued on. A few minutes later her eye caught the same small twinkle way in the distance behind her. It seemed impossible. She didn't know what to do. Once it again it rushed toward her car at an incredible speed and just as her body braced for impact, it vanished. She sped on across the desert, trying to get home before it happened again. She arrived home that night shook to the core. For many years she continued to commute to work the same way and I often went with her in the summer months. Nothing like this ever happened again.